Rank these key areas of business where you see the most urgent need for change or improvement (Rank in an A,B,C,D,E order with A being most important.)
This list addresses the importance of your self-development as the leader, planner and chief decision-maker. Indicate your choice of the top four items you would work on, if you had plenty of time. Check up to four --- only four.
Fill out the information below, and we'll contact you to set up a convenient time for a conversation.
This process can help. Every situation is unique -- no two doctors have the same need or the same learning process. Sometimes we just have to have a conversation or two to rethink your strategy or make some critical changes in the direction you are traveling. At other times, a full comprehensive turnaround is in order. Most likely, you are somewhere in between.
Don't wait. You can do a lot for yourself, and it may be easier than you think.